Intuitive Eating is a revolutionary approach to food and body image that prioritizes internal cues over external rules. At its core, it seeks to dismantle the harmful effects of diet culture and reconnect individuals with their innate ability to nourish themselves. The first and most crucial step in embracing Intuitive Eating is to reject the […]

Intuitive Eating

March 12, 2025

Reject the Diet Mentality: The First Principle of Intuitive Eating

Over the past 25 years as a Registered Dietitian, I have listened to countless stories of restriction, frustration, guilt, shame, confusion, and hopelessness from individuals caught in the relentless pursuit of weight loss. As a healthcare provider, I believe in practicing ethically—and that means doing no harm. This includes challenging the harmful messages of diet […]

Diet Culture, Intuitive Eating

March 4, 2025

Anti Diet Dietitian: Redefining Health and Rejecting Diet Culture