Unconditional permission to eat what you desire, no more emotional eating, and trusting your body to tell you when and how much to eat?! Sounds great, “but, will intuitive eating help with weight loss?” is what many people wonder. Upon introduction to Intuitive Eating, it might sound too good to be true – impossible, in […]

Diet Culture

July 6, 2023

Can I Do Intuitive Eating and Want Weight Loss?

Take a purposeful pause to consider what your life could look like if you were to stop dieting and adopt a non-diet approach to life. I know it’s a terrifying concept. If you stop dieting, that means you’re giving up the promise of a future ‘perfect’ you. But in this moment, you can’t see how […]

Diet Culture

April 10, 2023

9 Benefits of a Non-Diet Approach to Life

Non-diet approach

Outside of this blog post, I am not supportive of the term ‘obesity’. Read on to learn why. Many sources weigh in on their opinion of the effects of childhood obesity. But what are the facts, and what are just myths? If you haven’t heard the news, The American Academy of Pediatrics announced a comprehensive […]

Diet Culture

March 7, 2023

The Effects of Childhood Obesity: 4 Myths

childhood obesity

It’s a new year! Time to motivate yourself to be a ‘new you’. Or at least that’s the message we hear from diet culture: a fresh start as a more balanced and healthier you. And by balanced and healthy, they mean ‘smaller’ and ‘slimmer’. I know the temptation to diet can be strongest post-holiday celebrations. […]

Diet Culture

January 3, 2023

12 Reasons Why Dieting is Harmful

dieting is harmful